Kamis, 07 April 2011

Love Definition in Another World is to CHERISH.!!!!

Many guys crossed my life. Those who made me in love,those who made me out of love and those, who i made heartbroken.Please accept my apology on the last one =p

I believe in the saying which goes "It is the bad things that make you a stronger one". It is indeed true for you would be wise and could maintain the prevention of undergoing another broken hearted moments.

Love isn't always that sweet. Sometimes it requires the harshest moments and obstacles to prove the real existence of it.

What if you are forbidden or looked down ?

What if you don't receive the best wishes from your close friends?

What if you know it's wrong but But you just have that thing for him ?

What if ..it's a bittersweet love?

All i can say is, the keys to it lies beneath your heart. Nobody has the rights to judge your love,your life.
You rule your life. Not them.

Continuing the the word cherish, every individual should cherish each and every person who lingers around your heart. No matter if they are, or aren't the ones what you wanted. You will NEVER come to sense the pain until you realize that is is gone.

For the ones who are in love ; keep all the sweetest love you and your partners had.Try to bring out the best for each other.Do not take each other for granted.And you have my best wishes for all of you =)

For the ones who are out of love; let all the grieving and sad tears flow by, it is not your fault if the love has gone.Smile for the memories you ever had.Reflect on the points that might be the lead to the broken relationship.I can't promise that you'll find someone who's exactly like him/her,but you will definitely find a better person who understands how to cherish you and your heart =D *Better to lost a lover than love a loser*

In any cases if guys are interested in girls like me =p , 3 priority points that you should know:
1. we always love to keep our cool, but deep inside, we're actually fluttering.
2. harsh words come out from our mouths, but no, it actually means the opposite.
3. we are selfish lovers because we love you too much

I kept a promise . I know i'll try my best to fulfill it.And i wish,you would too.


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