Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

~Life Is A Dance~

I Can't help it anymore . I'm suffering from Dance - dehydration .
Yes.. Yes.., dancing is my substitution for water , the element which keeps me alive .

A new vocab for my dictionary ! 

Dance de·hy·dra·tion
 (dahns dē'hī-drā'shən)

 loss of dance from the soul or body parts , as from funky beat addiction or dance deprivation.


Everyone  always wanted to be a superstar.. Which kids doesn't ? Heh,,
I'm FOREVER dreaming of having my own stage one day, proving to people how good I really am.. Making them drop their jaws, gasp in awe, shouting for the incredibility of my dance, how much does it pay to see those faces like that??? Probably it costs a lifetime..

But for us, dancers, to watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak.. It is a kind of body language we use to signify the audience..


A perfect dance is performed with the combination of the heart and the steps..
One way to distinguish an excellent dancer is by looking whether he/she is dancing wholeheartedly..

If you're asking me why do i dance, it is an exact question as why do i breathe.. :p


If i had the chance, I hope to try all different types of dance that ever existed..


I'm The One Who Hold My Own Destiny!

As the saying goes, '“Every little thing happens for a reason..”
And yes, I hold no objection towards that..
In my perspective opinion, no matter those joyous moments, hardships you've been through, pain and confusions or even the slightest frustration, it all leads you to a better destination in life somehow.. More importantly, it has created who you are today, or even who you will be in the future..
There are times when everything seemed tough .
Each decisions you've make, each steps you've take, each smile you've faked, each tears you've shed, you just feel nothing is right.. You start to despise and degrade yourself, your confidence just fell rapidly to the lowest level.. Soon, you begin to doubt yourself or even, blaming your existence..
What is life? What do we live for? Why are we here?
For people like me, these questions probably once roamed in our thoughts..
You start searching for the answers and reasons but nothing come up in mind with satisfaction.. However, I sorta figured it out myself..
And my main keyword is, “yourself”..

♬ What is life (?)
With just one sentence, it is too broad to be elucidated in vivid but with one word, I guess it defined it all.. And it is, “Journey”. Life is a long long journey.. We are all sailing along with the tide across that big ocean.. Everybody is clueless what's ahead of them.. Another big storm, or a welcoming shore..

♬ What do we live for (?)
We live for this journey.. Our presence are the strongest evidence of this incredible journey,
that consist of the three most beautiful elements : Family, Love and Friendship.. These are all the things which make our ride seems worthwhile..

♬ Why are we here (?)
Now, that has kept me pondering for quite sometime.. There are times when I find it hard to sleep during solemn nights, the question “Why I am here?” popped up in my mind frequently..
Then I realized, I'm here to make a better one out of myself.. My goal, my dreams, my expectations are the reasons why I was brought here.. I'm holding the greatest and the most unpredictable obligation,, “My Future”.

I guess now I'm in the stage where I came to sense the importance of my future that has always been a fog.. Slowly dissolving the midst and making the path more visible, I know something beautiful is waiting for me right there..
By all means, the road is gonna be tough and i gotta be tackling with every little obstacles..
After all, to gain something, pain and sacrifices have to be made to have a true glimpse of how precious it is that was worth everything you did.. 
For the past nineteen years, I've laughed enough and I've cried enough..
Now that I haven't been using my brain or concentration for quite some time and I guess this is the right moment to make a good use and polish it up.. The beauty of the knowledge of a gorgeous girl is even more attractive than anything.. *for those who ever looked down on me in the past, this will be my sweetest revenge.. :p
I'm up for the challenge now..
Have a little faith and yes,, you can do it girl!ヽ(・ω・)人(´∀`)ノ

Life Goes On〜♪

There are some things that i couldn't help wondering : “why do good times ends so fast?” The smiling faces, those unforgettable memories, one of the Top 10 best moments of your life, and one last thing, someone who used to be special..

Wishful thoughts happens to linger in my mind . “How I wish time would to turn way back, where i belong in the smiles, the memories, the moments, the people or probably.. someone”.

But reality is harsh.. When the strong current of life keep pushing me to a different place, it left me powerless to defense but forcing myself to keep in peace.. And back to my current state, I know that I have to face it.. Every little thing changes, so do I..

We are walking in different paths and living in two exact opposite world that doesn't meet.. You have your new life, I have my dreams.. We still got a long road to go, till we settle on our perfect destination.. What's gonna happen will remain in silent darkness , coz the future is always a mist of fog..

Well, there were playful times when i sit and cuddle in the sweetest memories, basking in the happiness we once created for one another.. Knowing that it's all over, hopes for it to return in my life will only be haste.. So I am now trying to stand right up without you, not to forget you but keeping you in a little treasure box that will occupy a tiny section in my heart..

Why do you seem so unforgettable even after all these years?? One reason, It's not how long we have been holding on to our relationship but it's how much love and concerns we have shown to each other.. The feelings that no one could ever give me until somebody stepped into the picture and fulfill it.. It was YOU! 
And yea , I hate to admit , but of all the guys you were still my favorite,, my only First Love ♥ 

But i think, i have loved you enough..
What is done,, IS DONE.. It's no use crying over split milk..
As for me, Life goes on.. :)

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

Analisis Peluang Pasar

Dewasa ini, sudah semakin banyak wanita muslim di Indonesia yang menggunakan kerudung. Seiring dengan perkembangan mode, saat ini pasar kerudung khususnya di kota-kota besar sudah mulai memproduksi krudung-kerudung berhiaskan batu swarovski dan kristal.Namun sayangnya tidak semua daerah memproduksi tipe kerudung seperti itu, hanya mall-mall di kota-kota besar saja yang memproduksi dan menjual, seperti daerah Jakarta dan Bandung. Pasar kerudung di wilayah lain, seperti Sukabumi, cenderung membeli kerudung yang sudah jadi untuk dijual kembali, bukan memilih untuk memproduksi sendiri. Hal itu tentu menyebabkan harga kerudung di Sukabumi menjadi jauh lebih mahal daripada harga kerudung swarovski di Jakarta dan Bandung,  Selain itu tak jarang pasar kerudung di Sukabumi tertinggal dari pasar kerudung di kota-kota Besar, sehingga mayoritas konsumen memilih untuk berbelanja kerudung sendiri ke luar kota demi memperoleh barang dengan harga yang lebih murah dan tidak ketinggalan mode.Kondisi inilah yang melatarbelakangi tulisan saya dalam menganalisis peluang pasar di wilayah Sukabumi.
      Pada salah satu butik busana muslim di Sukabumi, saya berhasil menemukan 1 supplier baru, yaitu Aurora's Collection, dimana supplier tersebut tidak hanya menjual kerudung hasil produksinya sendirinya, tapi juga memanfaatkan produk jadi yang di jual di luar kota untuk kemudian diolah/dikreasikan sendiri sehingga menghasilkan produk baru yang tidak sama dengan produk lainnya. Seluruh barang produksinya, tidak hanya dijual dengan harga yang relatif terjangkau oleh kalangan menengah, tapi juga memberikan beragam pilihan model yang unik, dan tetap memberikan kesan elegan. Hasil penjualannya pun termasuk sebagai salah satu supplier dengan penjualan tertinggi di butik tersebut, sehingga tak jarang butik tersebut dipenuhi oleh konsumen yang gemar mengkoleksi kerudung-kerudung swarovski. Setelah mendengar dari mulut ke mulut, butik tersebut menjadi semakin terkenal bahkan konsumen yang dulu cenderung berbelanja di luar kota kini memilih untuk belanja di butik tersebut.
       Berdasarkan uraian diatas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa supplier tersebut telah memanfaatkan peluang pasar dalam pasar kerudung di Sukabumi, dengan dibuktikan penjualannya meningkat setiap bulannya, bahkan berhasil menarik banyak konsumen, bahkan mayoritas dari mereka kini telah menjadi pelanggan tetap yang selalu berbelanja kerudung di butik tersebut..

Kamis, 21 April 2011

10 Coordinate Conjunction Sentences

1.  I know he is cheating on me but sadly, I can’t do anything.
2. Eventhough she has told me the truth, it didn’t make me feel stronger or more confident.
3. She feels very depressed, yet she still can smile in front of her friends.
4. Everyday my heart is in pain and sad.
5. I was very upset and disappointed by his attitude to me last night.
6. Thank you for taking care of me when I was sick.
7. After fighting with elisha and being that way, I feel there’s something is missing in my heart.
8. If it can be forgotten, I won’t hold interest from beginning, nor feel the need of it.
9. Please tell me the reason, so I can let it go!
10 I won’t run away from this reality, but instead will accept it.

Coordinate Conjunction

Coordinate conjunctions, also called coordinators, are conjunctions that connect two or more identically constructed or grammatical elements that are syntactically equal in importance or rank. It is always placed in between two clauses connected. Coordinate conjunctions can join words, phrases, and clauses but it cannot join a noun and prepositional phrase. The most common coordinate conjunctions are : for (present a reason), and (presents non-contrasting item(s) or idea(s)), nor (presents non-contrasting negative idea), but (presents contrast or exception), or (presents an alternative item or idea), yet (presents contrast or exception) and so (presents a consequence). These seven coordinators can be easily remembered by the acronym "FANBOYS", with each letter representing the first letter of each coordinator.

Jumat, 08 April 2011

Between Elisha and Me...

Look at me...
I am just a scarred little girl
what I did several years ago, was it worth it?
They say she is dead now...
Somehow im not so sure, and i don't wanna believe it...

"I will not be just a memory"
Those words haunt me...
Her last words to me, before she fell to her "death"...

It's like she's still here...
I see her all around...
In the mirror, in the lake....
The long brown hair, the intense gray eyes...
Staring back at me wherever I go...

Although she is dead now,
She still lives on...
She haunts my every memory...
She still lives in me ...

How am I going to get rid of this feeling?
That haunts me deep down...
I don't want to leave the world, but I don’t want to talk to people...
Maybe I'm meant to be alone, with no-one to turn to...
Maybe one day I will feel loved again,
Who knows...

Who am I????

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.  
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.  
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.  
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying. 
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel. 
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Doubutsu Uranai



You are Orange Sheep, who is quiet sort, and is a touchable person.
But you possess feminine attraction as well.
This may seem like flirting to fellow women, and may be misunderstood by men.
You are a sociable, but tend to keep a distance from people, and will not show your real emotions and feelings easily.
Although you are modest, you are a proud person as well.
You don't apologize or yield to things.
You have great tactics to make others take in your demand, without them realizing taht they are doing so.
You are extremely good at negotiating and bargaining.
You tend to feel isolated, and in order to overcome that loneliness, you have lots of interests.
You have sharp eyes, and can make your ideals come true by effectively adopting other people's expectations.
Although you lack leadership sort of action, you have perseverance to take up any challenge.
You can also use money efficiently, and therefore you are a shrewd shopper.
You are good at catching the heart of men.
You will be liked by different type of people.
But this may give them false idea, and cause misunderstanding.
Although you may take men lightly, once married, you will become a devoted wife and a mother.




You are Gold Raccoon, who display an easy outlook, and are very graceful.
You give an impression of typical traditional Japanese women.
You are always quiet, and will not speak out your thoughts openly.
Your modesty and gracefulness will avoid friction, and will be able to make the harsh atmosphere turn friendly.
You tend to forget things easily and make easy promises.
But your cheerful and active character pays for those weak points.
It may be a good idea if you take notes.
You don't think things seriously, and people may think you to be too indifferent.
This may be a good thing to do sometimes, but it may also result in you losing important things and people.
But once you set an objective, your concentration is amazing.
Once you start on something, you will accomplish the goal no matter what.
Unlike your pretty atmosphere, in real life, you are very active person, and although you may look sensitive, you have great nerve and guts.
You also possess observing eyes towards people, and have great talent and know how to get on in life.
You act as though you are weak towards men, but really you are the one manipulating them successfully.
You are likely to make your husband a dominating one.
You are more interested in your career than your love life.
But once you fall in love, you get extremely passionate, and will attack with all your heart and mind and strength.
After getting married, you will put all your energy into your family.

Angel of Your Death

He thinks he has beaten me again...
He thinks I have gone for good...
Oh how wrong he is...

Elisha always taught me, not to give up so easily...
However I want revenge...
Not just on him, but on all the fools out there...
Who stopped myself  from completing my mission...

The anger burns inside me...
It continues to build up ...
The fire burning ever brighter...

I will continue to fight, to help elisha...
Complete what she Failed to do...

And "you"....
Will be the first to die
Don't worry, I will make you suffer,
For what you did to me...
And to elisha...

I will haunt you,
Remember what I said to you...
I am not a memory...i am your death!

Forever I will remain...
I will not give up...
The Angel is still here...
And she is your worst nightmare..

7 Days "To Do List"

7 days list

DANCE DANCE DANCE till i drop dead .

SING SING SING till voice is hoarse .



FLAT FLAT FLAT my stomach should be .

GLOW GLOW GLOW my hair should glow .

MASK MASK MASK for supple skin .

ROCK ROCK ROCK like you're the star .

Can't you see how hard i try
to chase you darn outta my mind .

DUMB DUMB DUMB i feel so dumb .

FAILED FAILED FAILED all epic fail .

BYE BYE BYE cuz i should sleep.
but DAMN DAMN DAMN you're still in mind .

Kamis, 07 April 2011

Noun Clause Definition

A Noun Clause is a group of words which contains a subject and a finite verb/predicate of its own and does the work of both a noun and a clause. It serves as a single unit that stand alone as incomplete or as a sentence and often have a subordinator. The function in the sentence is as a noun or replace function. Noun-Clause can be a subject of a verb, subject complement, object of a preposition, and can be an adjective complement.
example : 
"People get involved with this technology when they learn how to solve their problems with wikis."
This noun clause functions as the direct object of the verb learn.

Love Definition in Another World is to CHERISH.!!!!

Many guys crossed my life. Those who made me in love,those who made me out of love and those, who i made heartbroken.Please accept my apology on the last one =p

I believe in the saying which goes "It is the bad things that make you a stronger one". It is indeed true for you would be wise and could maintain the prevention of undergoing another broken hearted moments.

Love isn't always that sweet. Sometimes it requires the harshest moments and obstacles to prove the real existence of it.

What if you are forbidden or looked down ?

What if you don't receive the best wishes from your close friends?

What if you know it's wrong but But you just have that thing for him ?

What if ..it's a bittersweet love?

All i can say is, the keys to it lies beneath your heart. Nobody has the rights to judge your love,your life.
You rule your life. Not them.

Continuing the the word cherish, every individual should cherish each and every person who lingers around your heart. No matter if they are, or aren't the ones what you wanted. You will NEVER come to sense the pain until you realize that is is gone.

For the ones who are in love ; keep all the sweetest love you and your partners had.Try to bring out the best for each other.Do not take each other for granted.And you have my best wishes for all of you =)

For the ones who are out of love; let all the grieving and sad tears flow by, it is not your fault if the love has gone.Smile for the memories you ever had.Reflect on the points that might be the lead to the broken relationship.I can't promise that you'll find someone who's exactly like him/her,but you will definitely find a better person who understands how to cherish you and your heart =D *Better to lost a lover than love a loser*

In any cases if guys are interested in girls like me =p , 3 priority points that you should know:
1. we always love to keep our cool, but deep inside, we're actually fluttering.
2. harsh words come out from our mouths, but no, it actually means the opposite.
3. we are selfish lovers because we love you too much

I kept a promise . I know i'll try my best to fulfill it.And i wish,you would too.


Senin, 04 April 2011

10 noun clause sentence

1. I will show you what death is.

2. Wheter he cares or not, is not important for me.

3. Ms. Fellicia teaches us how to make Paella.

4. I hate that i miss you.

5. What you did to me on your birthday was very painful.

6. It is true that he has a twin brother.

7.She told me where to find my cat.

8. Sometimes i wonder if i ever cross your mind.

9. I don't know who's talking in that room.

10. I'm sure Karma will give you exactly what you deserve.


living in the thought of suffering and rejection,

full of burden in an unending mission,

i grasp for air,tired to keep in suffocation,

decided to give up...

but then you came along.....

mesmerized by the eyes that speaks for your soul...

that glorious laugh heals the torn...

it haunts me while it lingers here....

i think i fall for you, the kindness you surely have....

you're included in my prayer as i call on to god.....

i'm thankful that you heal the wound i had.....

you made me free, you taught me to stand up....

and now, i realize...

i fall for you in every beautiful way you show me love....

you erase the tears,you replace it with laughters....

let me tell you "i love you" and for you i always care.....

Sky of Endless Fading

...What is the cloud telling me?
...What is the wind whispering in my ears?
...What happen?
Is something wrong?
Who or what is wrong?
I can't feel anything.
Everything seem to be really white and silent...
......faded away
Nothing to be heard........
Nothing to be seen........
Nothing can be felt........
Every nothingness end up with nothingness...
No story.........
No experience ........
No memory...........
Where's everybody? I feel so alone...
or......do I?
I am falling into the endless sky.........
I wish it reaches the end, but....... once again, it's endless...
I hold nothing and nothing holds me.....
Who am I?
Who are you?
I know now...
One thing I remember is......
........that I remember "nothing".
and nothing remembers me...
no one remebers me...
because the one fading away is...

Who is Elisha?????

She is the kind of girl who is always smiling and loves to laugh......

If you are falling down, she will be right there to pick you up......

She is the one that always say "sorry", even if it's not her fault.......

Even if she is feeling like the scum of the earth, she will never let you know......

She is the girl who is afraid of "LOVE", because she has already lost SO MUCH......

11 Painful Things

1. Bringing back the feeling you've learned to forget.

2. Reminiscing the good times.

3. Trying to hide what you feel.

4. Loving someone who loves another. :'(

5. Having a commitment with someone you know wouldn't last

6. Shielding your heart to love somebody.

7. Loving a person TOO MUCH.

8. Right love at the WRONG TIME.

9. Taking risk to fall in love again.

10. Accepting that it was never meant to be.

11. What "if".. :')

31 Ways to Make A Girl Smile

1. Dont hug her friends or your friends that are girls cause she'll feel left out
2. Hold her hand at any moment . . . even if its just for a second.
3. Hug her from behind
4. Leave her voice messages to wake up.
5. Wrestle with her
6. Don't go hang out with your ex when shes not with you, you might not realize how badly it hurts her.
7. If you're talking to another girl, when you're done talking, walk over and
hug her and kiss her.... let her know she's yours and they aren't.
8. Write her notes or call her just to say "hi"..and not just at night after you've already been out with other girls.
9. Introduce her to your friends . . . as your girlfriend.
10. Play with her hair.
11. Pick her up
12. Get upset if another guy touches her and she doesn't like it.
13. Make her laugh, if you can make her laugh, you can make her do
14. Let her fall asleep in your arms.
15. If she's mad at you, kiss her.
16. If you care about her, then tell her
17. Every guy should give their girl 3 things: a stuffed animal (she'll hug it every time she goes to sleep), jewelry (she'll treasure it forever), and one of his t-shirts (she'll most likely wear it to bed).
18. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when you're alone.
19. Look her in the eyes and smile.
20. Hang out with her on weekends
21. Kiss her in the rain
22. Kiss her just for the heck of it
23. If your listening to music, let her listen too.
24. Remember her birthday and get her something, even if
its simple and inexpensive, it came from YOU. it means all the world to HER. it's the thought that counts.
25. When she gives you a present on your birthday, Christmas, or just whenever, take it and tell her you love it, even if you don't (it'll make her happy.)
26. Always call her when you say you will, it may not seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes her think you don't care so call even if you can only talk for a minute. Girls don't necessarily have to have hour-long conversations every night but its nice for us to hear your voice even for a quick hello.
27. Give her what she wants
28. Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most.
29. Tell her shes beautiful, she needs to know her striving is working.
30. Hang out with her whenever you are free and u should be free to hang
with your girlfriend all the time
31. If u care about her...SHOW her!

20 Facts About Me

1. i am different .

2. i HATE receiving messages/calls from unknown numbers

3. most of people usually think that i'm a kind of mysterous, weird/freak, and autism girl.. -________-

4. i like good morning and good night messages =]

5. my future husband gotta own a private jet/lamborghini at least . muahahahahah

6. my feelings are so obviously written on my face .

7. sometimes prefer being alone , doing my own stuffs. 

8. i'm the world's most laid back and lazy girl

9 I love music no matter what.!! (especially classic music~)

10. though im a girly girl who loves white and blue, i'm actually interested and is keen on learning drum, air softgun, and Drifting with my big brother. =D

11. I love people who would accompany through the night when i can't get to sleep .

12. I can imitate Japanese accent .

13. i'm NINETEEN not NINE . ahahahaa

14. i have a very baby-ish voice . :3

15. i have an invisible world and a friend who can not seen by other people. ^________^

16. guys are too confusing for me . bhahahahahaha

17. i hate some indos here who claims and thinks they're CHINESE/JAPANESE.

18. i'm not arrogant . i just don't smile to people i don't know well .


My Love Definition

What is love ?
This 19th years old girl have been searching for the definite answer for it.
Though it seems a little young to realize anything about love, but i believe, this feeling do exist in each individual, no matter the age.

A little girl would always be imagining that her childhood sweetie pie would be the man she'd look upon as her future prince charming.

A school grader would always be hoping for just a sweet gaze or glance from the boy of her dreams ; the perfect hall hawker who just looks so cute even when he's just walking along the corridors.

A teenager would be one who is head over heels in love with her eye candy and looking forward in having a madly sweetest relationship that she ever longed for.

A lady, would be one who is seeking for her true love ,ready and trying to make a right choice in choosing a partner whom she will spend the rest of her life with .

A married woman , is someone who would sacrifice and put down all the fun she have had and start a family,giving the best for her husband and grow old with him.

Then, an old married couple, would only have one simple wish : being together at anytime even till their death beds, they're still smiling and holding each others hands.

If you asked me what the exact meaning of love is , i'll say:

Love is an affection. It is an emotion and a feeling that no words could describe. It is the chemistry that is built for two hearts that beats as one.

Love is a potion. It could hypnotize a person, making them feel that they're just right in everything they do even when it's wrong. So this is why people say love is blind.

Love is an algebra. You have to figure it out yourself for the definite answer.

Everybody has got their own type and standard of the opposite sex in their mind. In my case, i love guys who takes good care of me, having a great sense of humor, giving me the best sense of protection i ever wanted.Physically, i'd like him to be tall , good looking , clean , has a good taste on clothes ( or fashionable would be the word.lol), abs , omg .. i can't go on anymore =p . And for me, AGE MATTERS ALOT.

But whatever it is, you know you can't help yourself from falling for someone who's opposite like you, or doesn't fit in any categories nor criteria. Even if you tried to control back the feelings, you yourself knows that it feels undeniably atrocious lying to yourself.

I'm Sorry, Thank You

Why am i always the one at fault ?

Why am i always the one who have to be the "terrible" one ?

Why am i tolerating all this ?

This girl , has a much more different concept with her own life .

Now that she's 18, she's at the peak of expecting more and more fascinating adventures going through her life.

Life was never a bed of roses . You can't just do things which suits your way .

Feelings comes by and flows like water current . It is impossible for you to grab hold of it at your own pleasure.

It was never easy for us both . Time proved it all .

You know yourself that you weren't the one that i wanted . you knew it . i knew it . Every one else knew it obviously .

For the knock outs that i've had , you knew what i am referring to , i thought i could endure and maintain the percentage of accepting you , but , nah , it couldn't last for long .

Maturity is the true charisma .

you tried ? But you took too long .

Go around and ask other 18 year old girls . What are the types of relationships that they will try to avoid ?

You and I , we got a totally different way of thinking . Two different world .

The reason I accepted you , was a mere feeling of touched and salute . Never had i experienced someone who's that insane bout me .

I , hate that my privacy is being leaked out by you , showing off to people that i belong to you etc.

I'm tired of trying to accept you already . I'm walking to a different path of my life . Don't wish to be tied up with all the pressures. I want freedom .

Perhaps i'm being awfully selfish . I'm not perfect , i never was .

And for the reasons i made up yesterday , it was just excuses .

I just wanna enjoy my remaining high school times with friends . No more lovey dovey stuffs .

Thanks for everything . really . Each and every effort you put in were really appreciated .

It was my loss to not cherish someone like you ~

Thank you , and sorry .

True Confessions

The world keep spinning , and people keep changing .

Days are flowing , so does feelings .

Once it's over , what's the point of possessing?

What's left is just an empty senseless heart , now tell me if that seem satisfying ?

You were so aggressive , while something is slowly deteriorating .

Till you ever realize , the real thing has gone missing .

No matter how hard you chased , it just kept running .

It's no use catching it back , because it will never stop escaping .

To the greatest extent , it will never be returning .

If you hadn't been so childish , perhaps there's still a chance for hoping .

What's the point of procrastinating to change , when the reality rejects in proving .

I wished i weren't so harsh , so none of us will be hurting .

But you took the words for granted , till the rage in me is enforcing .

Probably sympathy was the only reason , that resulted me in accepting .

You yourself know the real truth , with who you've been so called "sharing" .

Rather than "sharing" , i would rather consider it bragging .

Not knowing what to tell and what to not tell , isn't it imprudently exaggerating ?

So the enjoyment you immersed yourself into , has it been entertaining ?

Your denials are too obviously fake , cuz the truths are revealing.

I shouldn't have been so naive , it was twice had i been too foolish into forgiving .

While in my impression , was a sweet guy who's always patiently waiting ,

Uncovering the true mysterious side of you seems to be wide shocking .

While bittersweet memories of your deeds is flashing ,

a conclusion ended was just hating .

My name has been ruined , the pieces are still accumulating .

Why would i ever end it this way , i kept wondering .

A lesson learned ; is what i hope to be hearing .

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

The Last Words For You

How could be this happened.??

I’ve always loved U, But then U’re just disappear with no reason..

Leave me on nothing, Nothing left but pain..

But I cant live this life forever..

It’s time for me to move ahead, and leave the past..

One thing for sure, I hope that u will always be happy out there..

Blessed, and filled with joy & happiness..

This would be my last words for U..

I hope U’ll read this message someday..



Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

~For My Precious One~

The feelings I want to tell you are overflowing right now..

But I can't put them into words, being confused..

So many seasons have passed since we met..

Staying up all night talking sure brings back memories, doesn't it?

Holding onto sadness and making the same mistakes over again..

That's how a person become an adult, isn't it?

But I want everyone to know, that i was different, until now..

I won't lose anymore, I'll continue foward to whatever future there is..

So that, I can become strong..

I haven't forgotten about the days where we dreamed of tomorrow..

I feel that our meeting wasn't by accident..

I'm happy about the miracle of living the same time..

And whenever you are lost and can't go on, I want you to remember once more..

Don't push yourself so hard.. Stay as you are because I really like your smiling face..

Even from now on, let's make lots of new memories..

How many pain did we have??

What kind of fun days are we going to treasure??

And what kind of dreams are we going to tell together, next??

So when we meet again, let's continue to laugh together..


•> They are like exams.. too many QUESTIONS, difficult to UNDERSTAND, more ESSAY needed always, RESULT isn't always up to the mark.!

•> Even they can always take care of themself, but still.. they wanna meet a person who can prove to them that they can't...

•> Sometimes when they say.. “Oh, I'm fine..” they want someone to look in their eyes and say.. “Tell the truth.!”

•> They love it when their beloved one remembers even the little things about them...

•> Sometimes, there is a little pain behind every answer “I'M OKAY”

•> When they look at you with eyes full of questions, they are wondering how long u will be around...

•> When they are quiet, millions of things are running in their minds...

•> When they answer.. “I'm fine” after a few seconds, they are not fine at all...

•> When they're scared of what you'll say, they'll hide what they're feeling...

•> They wouldn't mind to call or text their beloved one in their busiest time, just to know if that person are doing fine...

•> If they love a guy, he will always be on their mind every minute of the day, even though they flirt with other guys...

•> They can't find anything to hate about the guys they love...

•> They hate it when a guy pays attention to them just to get close to their ‘prettier’ friend...

•> Overacting girls just want to get more attention and in fact, they need more love and support from their families...

Back to The Beginning

U’ve entered my heart and what u’re telling me is love..

I pray this isn’t all a dream..

My heart keeps telling me not to let u go..

It keeps telling me to act greedy, what a stupid thing to think..

Fate brought ur love to me, it seems so familiar..

It was meant to be, but I didn’t know it’d turn to love..

Soon it’ll be time to let u go, but I don’t know if I can..

U look into my eyes and profess ur love, though it’s a passing love..

I’ve never felt happier, as if I’m in a dream..

I’ve finally realized it now, that i’ve been in love since the start..

All I have to do is return to where I once stood..

It’s how it’s supposed to be, but why does my heart ache so?

U’re finally going back to ur true love..

I should send u off with a smile..

Can’t u give me ur love, is it really impossible?

I love u with all my heart..

Reason.. :(

Don’t turn away from me! Look into my eyes..

All the world is white..

Have u forgotten the promise you made??

Why have u given up on me?

U did that so easily, but to me.. it was so difficult..

From the beginning, we had a love that shouldn’t have been started..

My tears are mixed with pleading, that I can’t put more of myself into u..

I smile whenever I think of u..

It becomes so hard on me..

I cry whenever I think of you..

I’m scared of everything..

U mustn’t disappear from my life, know that u are my light..

If you leave, u take away my whole world..

Don’t forget that it will all disappear..

I want to breathe, from in ur love..

A Little More.. :(

When I noticed I was thinking about u, I felt very embarassed..

And actually I really really hate that feeling..

That's because I'm afraid to convey my feelings..

Eventhough I suppress it in my head, but I can't do anything about my heart..

I don't let u notice it when we meet, so it can be normal how I plan to talk to u..

To act so composed has started to hurt.. lying to u I will put away, but..

A little more.. if I can get closer to ur heart..

When I'm alone with my bad crazy though, I worry about what u think of me..

I'm sorry I stepped forward to try to let u know..

I'm not myself, I don't like the fog around my heart..

Depending on someone else makes me run away, but..

A little more.. if I can get beside u..

I realize, night doesn't continue once down comes.. so wipe away ur tears when u're feeling lonely..

I'm not stronger or more confident, but see me smiling.. look.! Ok???

Please, a little more.. if I can get closer to ur heart..

A little more.. if I can get beside u..

A little more.. so that, this moment won't end..

Please God, give me courage.. O( ╥ ﹏╥)o

The First Thing :)

If u're tired, don't be a stranger.. drag me up.!

Get it out to ur heart's content..

I can't take seeing u in trouble.. who's going to stand around coldly and watch.?

I make a fist for u..

If u're stressed out, don't be a stranger.. come find me.!

We'll share the burden..

The warmth of tea refills, warm until u've let go of what's bothering u..

Let me fill the void in ur mood..

Yesterday will be replaced by today and tomorrow..

Passion will never go out of fashion, caring will always be there..

Even if u and I lose each other in the crowd and the noise, i will rush over first thing..

Let the overanxious heart lie down flat..

Breathe easy all over again.. deeply, fully..

If u are so depressed by loneliness that u can't call out, i will send out my caring first thing..

My blazing eyes will help u see that it's ok..

And rediscover that piece of nature is surrounding u, holding u tight, and believing in u..

I am sure.. :))